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  • Writer's pictureNikki Latham

Portland Lidl's Billboard Battle: Denied!

The Portland Lidl store's request for a roadside advertising billboard near the Hamm Roundabout has been denied.

Dorset Council planning officers rejected the supermarket chain's proposal for a large freestanding billboard at its beach road location in Portland.

The 4.75m tall and 6.3m wide sign, which was erected without permission on four posts facing Portland Road, was deemed unsuitable and visually disruptive, particularly in such close proximity to Chesil Beach.

The billboard, located near the Hamm roundabout, features rotating advertising displays showcasing various promotions from the store.

A council planning officer, assessing a retrospective planning application from Lidl, stated that the billboard was too imposing and incongruous in a delicate coastal setting.

In a decision notice, issued by Dorset Council’s head of planning, Mike Garrity it says the sign is: “an incongruous and poor-quality advertisement that detracts from the more pleasant built and natural environment that surrounds it.

Dorset Council Highway officers and Portland town council had no objections to the sign's placement and supported Lidl's application.

Dorset Council aims to resolve consent issues through negotiation before considering enforcement action to remove the sign. It is likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future.

This news story has been produced by Chesil Radio's News Team, for more information please visit:

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